You can now bet on bitcoin reaching $100,000 in 2020

You can now bet on bitcoin reaching $100,000 in 2020

Bildkälla: Trijo News

The US derivative and futures platform Ledgerx offers its customers a pretty daring bet.


Bitcoin has had a tough start to the week, and the price of the world’s biggest cryptocurrency is currently under $10,000.

If despite this, you are positive to bitcoin’s development, you can now bet money that the cryptocurrency will increase very much in value – next year.

It is the US derivative and futures platform Ledgerx which now gives its customers the chance to invest in that bitcoin will reach a price of $100,000 in 2020.

Aware that $100,000 sounds a lot

Ledgerx CEO Paul Chou believes that the futures contract may sound like a crazy idea, but that the whole thing is quite reasonable.

“I understand $100,000 is a large number, but a lot of us who’ve been in this space remember Bitcoin at $1, and then it hit $10 and $100 and $10,000. A $100,000 contract doesn’t even make us blink”, he says to Bloomberg.

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