Daily crypto: Xrp declines the most despite big Ripple conference where Bill Clinton spoke

Daily crypto: Xrp declines the most despite big Ripple conference where Bill Clinton spoke.

Bildkälla: Trijo News

Although Ripple just hosted their biggest conference ever, where numerous news was announced and where former U.S. president Bill Clinton spoke, xrp declines most among the biggest cryptocurrencies.


The crypto markets have declined over the last 24 hours. Currently, most currencies on top 100 show red numbers.

The market cap of all cryptocurrencies has also dropped – from $222 billion 24 hours ago to $215 billion on Wednesday morning.

Xrp declines most among the biggest currencies

Looking at the biggest cryptocurrencies, xrp (-7,27%) is the one that clearly has declined the most. The decline comes after a sharp surged for the cryptocurrency in September when it rallied by more than 100 percent, following news that Ripple had launched the Xrapid payment service and that big banks will start using Ripplenet.

At the beginning of the week, Ripple also organized its biggest conference ever. During the conference, which was called Swell and took place in San Francisco, numerous news were announced, including the fact that Ripple labs introduced three partnerships with major banks who are now planning to use the Xrapid service.

However, despite the fact that several major names participated in the event, including Gene Sperling, U.S. economist and adviser to former president Barack Obama, as well as former U.S. president Bill Clinton who spoke at the event, xrp has declined and is currently trading at $0,52, something Forbes writes about.

Red numbers

Among the biggest cryptocurrencies, also bitcoin cash (-4,92%), ethereum (-4,63%) and eos (-2,58%) have lost value. The world’s biggest cryptocurrency bitcoin (-1,85%) is currently trading at around $6,430.

The cryptocurrencies on top 100 that performed the best during the last 24 hours were binance coin (+2,09%) and hypercash (+1,98%), and the ones that performed the worst were funfair (-8,80%) and aion (-7,88%).

Asset: Price: % (24h)*
Bitcoin $6 466,70 -1,85%
Ethereum $218,97 -4,63%
Xrp $0,520997 -7,27%
Bitcoin cash $514,98 -4,92%
Eos $5,53 -2,58%

*All numbers in this article are from Coinmarketcap.com.

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