Virtual racing car sold in blockchain game – for over $110,000

Virtual racing car sold in blockchain game – for over $110,000.

Bildkälla: Trijo News

The new blockchain game “F1 Delta” is based on so-called “non-fungible tokens”, a special type of cryptocurrency that represents something unique.


“F1 Delta” is a new blockchain game where you can collect virtual Formula 1 cars and compete against other players. Now, an unknown user has bought a virtual racing car – for 415.9 ether. This corresponds to $110,600.

The virtual car is named “1-1-1” and is the first model released by F1 Delta. According to the company behind the game, it is also supposed to be completely unique, Cointelegraph reports.

Represents something unique

The game is based on so-called “non-fungible tokens” (NFT). This is a special type of cryptocurrency that represents something unique – unlike, for example, bitcoin, which is a “fungible token”, which is something that can easily be replaced by a similar unit.

This type of virtual collectible items gained traction at the end of 2017 with Cryptokitties, a blockchain-based game where you can buy, care for and sell different types of virtual cats.

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