US Treasury Secretary: Bitcoin is a national security threat

US Treasury Secretary: Bitcoin is a national security threat

Bildkälla: Trijo News

Steve Mnuchin is not the first politician to have bad things to say about bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.


Bitcoin has been met by a lot of negative comments from those in power recently. Both US President Donald Trump and the US Federal Reserve Chair have expressed a negative opinion on the cryptocurrency.

The US treasury secretary agrees with Trump

Now another heavyweight on the political scene has spoken. This time, it is US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin who has bad things to say about bitcoin.

“Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin have been exploited to support billions of dollars of illicit activity, like cybercrime, tax evasion, extortion, randomware, illicit drugs, human trafficking. This is indeed a national security issue”, he says at a press conference according to Cointelegraph.

The question is whether recent comments from politicians will lead to a crypto ban. Yesterday, Trijo News wrote that such a law may be about to hit Facebook’s upcoming cryptocurrency libra.

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