US tax authority is arranging a crypto summit – wants to listen to the industry

The US tax authority is arranging a crypto summit – wants to listen to the industry

Bildkälla: Trijo News

The US tax authority, the IRS, will arrange a summit with several big crypto companies in early March.


Doing things right is not the easiest thing when it comes to paying your taxes when trading in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

The IRS is organising a summit

Now it could all be about to get easier, at least in the US, Bloomberg reports.

The US tax authority, the IRS, is organising a summit with several large crypto companies.

During the meeting, which will take place on March 3, four panel discussions will be held. During these, a variety of problems when it comes to cryptocurrencies and taxes will be discussed.

Wants to listen to the crypto companies

The reason behind the summit is the IRS wanting to get a better idea of ​​what the crypto industry thinks in regards to taxation.

It is still unclear which crypto companies are invited as well as which people will talk during the panels, Bloomberg reports.

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