US Senator: We wouldn’t be able to ban cryptocurrencies even if we wanted to

US Senator: We wouldn't be able to ban cryptocurrencies even if we wanted to

Bildkälla: Trijo News

Republican Senator Mike Crapo has made a statement that bodes well for bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.


In recent weeks, there has been a lot of talk about cryptocurrencies in the US Congress.

First, there were the hearings on Facebook’s planned cryptocurrency libra. After that, it has been about cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology more generally.

Often, the tone against cryptocurrencies has been harsh, but now comes a statement that is of the more positive kind.

A global technology

Republican Senator Mike Crapo said during the recent hearing that cryptocurrencies could not be banned – even if US lawmakers wanted to.

– Even if we wanted a ban, and I’m not saying that we want to, and tried to implement it, I think it would be difficult. This is because it is a global technology, a global invention, he said according to CCN.

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