US presidential candidate wants clear regulations for cryptocurrencies

US presidential candidate wants clear regulations for cryptocurrencies.

Bildkälla: Trijo News

Democrat Andrew Yang thinks the US government has failed to put in place a national regulatory framework for digital assets.


Democratic candidate for US presidential election 2020 Andrew Yang wants a clear regulatory framework for digital assets such as cryptocurrencies. This according to a policy that was published on his campaign site, Cointelegraph reports.

In the document, Yang states that the US government has failed to put in place a national regulatory framework for digital assets. According to Yang, it is important to define how digital assets should be treated and regulated.

“Blockchain has vast potential”

“We should let investors, companies, and individuals know what the landscape and treatment will be moving forward to support innovation and development. The blockchain has vast potential”, says Andrew Yang in the policy.

Another American Democrat who has announced that she is planning to challenge Donald Trump for the presidency is Elizabeth Warren. Unlike Andrew Yang, however, she has previously expressed criticism regarding cryptocurrencies.

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