UN report: North Korea has stolen up to $2 billion in cryptocurrencies

UN report: North Korea has stolen up to $2 billion in cryptocurrencies

Bildkälla: Trijo News

According to a leaked UN report, North Korea is said to have stolen cryptocurrencies to fund weapons of mass destruction.


That North Korea commits crimes related to cryptocurrencies is something that has long been suspected.

The question is whether anyone could have guessed the extent of the hacker attacks.

According to a secret report from the UN that has leaked to several of the world’s major news outlets, the country has stolen up to $2 billion from various crypto exchanges.

The money finances weapons of mass destruction

The cryptocurrency has been stolen, among other things, by the hackers known as the Lazarus Group. The stolen money has been used to fund weapons of mass destruction, Cointelegraph reports.

South Korea is the country most affected by the hacker attacks. This has caused the country to change its crypto exchange rules. You can read about that here.

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