Two Canadian men convicted of crypto fraud – pretended to be customer support

Two Canadian men convicted of crypto fraud – pretended to be customer support

Bildkälla: Trijo News

Two men from Canada have been sentenced in the United States for committing a crypto-related scam on Twitter.


Unfortunately, crime of various kinds is not uncommon in the crypto world. Trijo News has previously reported on how an Italian crypto exchange had to shut down after an attack from hackers.

Now two men from Canada have been sentenced in the United States for a completely different, but still cryptocurrency-related, type of crime, Cointelegraph reports.

Committed fraud on Twitter

In 2017, the men stole 23.2 bitcoin, which at the time of the theft was worth about $130,000, from a man in Oregon – through a fraud on the social network Twitter.

There, the two men, who are in their 20s, pretended to work as customer support for the crypto exchange Hit BTC. In this way, they managed to deceive the Oregon resident to provide sensitive user information. After doing so, they emptied his account on the crypto exchange.

Bought a Mercedes for the money

The money the men stole was spent on luxury. Among other things, a Mercedes Benz and exclusive gambling nights at casinos in Las Vegas.

The men, who were arrested last summer, have now been sentenced to two years in prison each. In addition, they will pay the equivalent of just over $184,000 damages to their victim, Cointelegraph writes.

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