Trustee of Mt. Gox’s bankruptcy has sold bitcoin for $230 million

Trustee of Mt. Gox's bankruptcy has sold bitcoin for $230 million.

Bildkälla: Trijo News

Trijo News

The trustee of the old bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox has sold bitcoin and bitcoin cash for $230 million.


The Japanese bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox went bankrupt in 2014 after 850,000 bitcoin suddenly disappeared from the exchange. At the time, the bitcoin exchange was handling more than 70 percent of all bitcoin transactions.

Now, Nobuaki Kobayashi, trustee for the bitcoin exchanges bankruptcy, has announced that he has sold 24 600 bitcoin and 25 300 bitcoin cash for a total of $230 million. The sales have taken place after March 7th this year, Bloomberg writes.

Trijo News has previously reported that it seems like the price of bitcoin has been affected in a negative way by Mt. Gox’s trustee selling bitcoin and bitcoin cash.

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