The Netherlands raises the maximum penalty for cryptocurrency fraud

The Netherlands raises the maximum penalty for cryptocurrency fraud

Bildkälla: Trijo News

The Netherlands raises the maximum penalty for a variety of fraud offenses. Among these are scams that utilize cryptocurrencies.


Unfortunately, scams are not uncommon in the crypto world. Last week, Trijo News reported on how 24 Chinese nationals were arrested in Thailand for involvement in a cryptocurrency scam.

The Netherlands tighten penalties

To make life harder for fraudsters, the Netherlands has decided to raise the maximum penalty for fraud using cryptocurrencies and apps from four to six years, the NL Times reports.

Previously, only credit card fraud has been punishable by six years of prison in the country. The reason why the Netherlands is now increasing the number of crimes covered by the harsher punishment scale is that the number of people at risk of being affected by the fraud of the new age is large. The Dutch Ministry of Justice, therefore, wants to deter potential criminals.

Phishing scammers also receive harsher penalties

In addition to the above-mentioned crimes, the new law also covers things like owning or selling fake data, forging credit cards and so-called phishing scams (when fraudsters trick people into giving them bank numbers or other sensitive personal information), the NL Times writes.

Trijo News has previously written about a Swedish man who was arrested in Thailand after being accused of involvement in a really big crypto scam.

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