Suspected terrorist in New Zealand earned money on cryptocurrencies

Suspected terrorist in New Zealand earned money on cryptocurrencies.

Bildkälla: Trijo News

New Zealand has been hit by a terrorist attack. Now, Trijo News can reveal that one of the suspected terrorists has written that he made money from investing in cryptocurrencies.


On Friday afternoon, local time, two mosques in the city of Christchurch in New Zealand were attacked by armed perpetrators. The event is described as a well-planned terrorist attack.

Allegedly, hundreds of people were in the mosques for Friday prayer and according to the police, at least 49 people have been killed. Several more have allegedly been seriously injured. The police have arrested four suspects, according to Dagens Nyheter.

Published manifesto online

One of the perpetrators, a 28-year-old Australian who called himself Brenton Tarrant on Facebook and who is described as “a right-wing extremist and a terrorist”, allegedly uploaded a long anti-Muslim manifesto on social media before the attack, according to Aftonbladet.

In the manifesto, it says, among other things, that he earned money on bitconnect, a controversial cryptocurrency whose value collapsed from around $500 to under $1. It is also stated that he used the money to travel.

Copy of part of the manifesto that allegedly have been published online by the suspected terrorist Brenton Tarrant.
Copy of part of the manifesto that allegedly have been published online by the suspected terrorist Brenton Tarrant. Image source: Facsimile

Bitconnect has been accused of being a pyramid scheme because the marketing structure was built on several levels and that they promised unreasonably high payouts. In January 2018, Bitconnect announced that it would shut down its crypto exchange and lending operation following pressure from the authorities.

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