Soon you will be able to pay with bitcoin to see the NBA team Dallas Mavericks

Soon you will be able to pay with bitcoin to see the NBA team Dallas Mavericks

Bildkälla: Trijo News

The Dallas Mavericks become the second NBA team to accept bitcoin as a means of payment for game tickets and merchandise.


Sports teams accepting cryptocurrencies as a means of payment has been a trend for some time. A few weeks ago, Trijo News reported that the American football team Miami Dolphins has made litecoin their official cryptocurrency.

Now, another team has announced that they will accept a cryptocurrency as a means of payment. But this time it’s a different sport: basketball, and another cryptocurrency: bitcoin.

It is the NBA team Dallas Mavericks that next season will accept bitcoin for the purchase of game tickets and merchandise, the crypto company Bitpay (which will manage the technical aspect of the project) reveals in a tweet.

The owner compared bitcoin to gold

Dallas Mavericks is owned by billionaire Mark Cuban, who last week compared bitcoin to gold.

But the Dallas Mavericks are not the first NBA team to accept bitcoin as a means of payment. The Sacramento Kings has been doing so since 2014, according to Cointelegraph.

A few weeks ago, Trijo News reported that the NBA will release a blockchain-based game. You can read about that here.

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