Solana Labs Introduces ChatGPT Plugin for Blockchain Interaction

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Solana Labs announced on Twitter that they will enable their users to interact with the blockchain through a plugin from OpenAI. This means that users will be able to ask ChatGPT questions about specific wallet addresses among other things,, which will then retrieve the information directly from the blockchain.


AI Chatbot to Access Blockchain Data

Solana users will soon be able to engage with the network via an open-source plugin for OpenAI’s AI chatbot, ChatGPT. Once OpenAI makes plugins available, this plugin will enable ChatGPT to check wallet balances, transfer Solana-native tokens, and purchase non-fungible tokens (NFTs), as announced in a tweet by Solana Labs on April 25th.

Open-Source Code for On-Chain Data Retrieval

Developers are encouraged to test the open-source code to access on-chain data they might be interested in. A shared screenshot by Solana Labs demonstrates ChatGPT’s ability to fetch a list of NFTs owned by a specific Solana address, with an attached metadata link to the NFT.

Plugin Launch Timing Unclear

Solana Labs did not specify whether the plugin would be launched as soon as OpenAI makes the plugin feature available to all.

ChatGPT Plugins: How They Work

The new ChatGPT plugins work by gathering information from online sources and interacting with third-party websites to respond to user commands. The feature is currently being rolled out to all users. However, some critics on Twitter have questioned the value this plugin brings to the ecosystem.

Solana Labs’ Focus on AI

Solana Labs has also announced a $1 million funding initiative for projects developing AI tools on the Solana platform.

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