One of the world’s top business magazines launches newsletter about cryptocurrencies

One of the world's top business magazines launches newsletter about cryptocurrencies.

Bildkälla: Trijo News

The big American business newspaper Forbes has now started a newsletter that is entirely aimed at potential crypto investors.


One sign that interest in cryptocurrencies may be on the rise is that Forbes, one of America’s top business magazines, now has launched a premium newsletter dedicated to cryptocurrencies and the blockchain industry, Cryptocoin Spy writes.

The purpose of the newsletter, which has been named “Forbes Cryptoasset & Blockchain” and which was launched earlier this year, is simply to cover the blockchain industry in depth. The hope of the business magazine is to establish itself as a leading news actor in the crypto world.

“This newsletter is geared toward educating potential investors in blockchain and crypto, and the goal is to provide actionable and profitable advice”, Matt Schifrin, vice president and managing editor of Money & Markets at Forbes, earlier told Publishers Daily.

Not free

Editor of the newsletter is Jack Tatar, who has, among other things, written a book on crypto investments. Forbes journalists will provide the content. This may, for example, involve interviews with prominent persons in the crypto industry.

However, the newsletter is not free. It costs $595 per year, Cryptocoin Spy writes.

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