New survey shows: 83 percent of Americans want to try buying bitcoin

New survey shows: 83 percent of Americans want to try buying bitcoin.

Bildkälla: Trijo News

Bitcoin’s value increase this year has led more people to discover the cryptocurrency. Now, a new survey shows that as many as 83 percent of US investors would like to make an initial crypto investment.


Bitcoin has had a good year. Since the beginning of the year, the price of the cryptocurrency has soared from around $3,500 in January to around $10,000 now in July. This is an increase of 185 percent.

The fact that bitcoin has increased in value has also prompted more media to report about cryptocurrencies. Thus, even more people have been reached by what is happening in the crypto world during the spring.

Now, a new survey shows that as many as 83 percent of US investors would like to make an initial investment in bitcoin. In addition, 79 percent of those surveyed are positive about the future of bitcoin, Cointelegraph reports.

A lot in common with traditional investors

The survey, conducted by the digital asset management fund Grayscale Investments, also shows that people who invest in bitcoin have similar interests in terms of demographics, attitudes and beliefs as more traditional investors.

Apart from the fact that bitcoin investors are a bit more experienced and risk-tolerant compared to more traditional investors, both groups are pretty much the same when it comes to income levels, political views and what kind of job they have.

Older average age

Previously, it has been reported that young people, so-called millennials, are more positive towards cryptocurrencies than other generations.

However, the Grayscale survey shows that this finding may be exaggerated when it was found that the average bitcoin investor is 42 years old. This can be compared to 45 years for more traditional investors, Cointelegraph reports.

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