New language guidelines from the world’s largest news agency: Don’t write “crypto”

New language guidelines from the world's largest news agency: Don't write "crypto".

Bildkälla: Trijo News

Several people in the crypto industry expressed excitement at the new guidelines.


The world’s largest news agency Associated Press (AP) has published a handbook for journalists and other writers. In it, there are a lot of tips on how one should write.

Among other things, it says that one should not call digital money just “crypto”, Coindesk writes.

The word “crypto” has previously been linked to cryptography, but in recent years, it has been used to refer to cryptocurrencies.

“Avoid using the shorthand crypto, which can be confused with cryptography”, AP writes in the handbook.

Appreciated in the crypto industry

Previously, AP has clarified that Bitcoin as a concept should be capitalized, while the currency unit should be written in lower case.

Several people in the crypto industry expressed excitement at the new guidelines, as this can be seen as an acknowledgment for cryptocurrencies, Coindesk writes.

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