New information regarding missing billionaire wife – witness has seen mysterious men near the residence

New information regarding missing billionaire wife – witness has seen mysterious men near the residence.

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After the billionaire wife Anne-Elisabeth Falkevik Hagen disappeared in October, there has allegedly been a demand for ransom in the cryptocurrency monero. So far, the police have not found either Hagen or any suspected kidnappers. Now, witnesses are coming forth and telling about mysterious men who were seen close to the couple’s residence before the disappearance.


68-year-old Anne-Elisabeth Falkevik Hagen, the wife of Norwegian billionaire Tom Hagen (in 2018, the estimated fortune of Hagen was just over 1,7 billion Norwegian kroner, approximately $200 million), has been missing since October 31 last year. She is suspected of being kidnapped.

For a long time, her disappearance was kept a secret. In January, however, the police announced the disappearance and simultaneously asked the public for information.

According to sources to the Norwegian newspaper VG, the kidnappers have demanded a ransom of nine million euros (approximately $10.3 million) to release Anne-Elisabeth Falkevik Hagen. The kidnappers allegedly have demanded that the ransom is paid in the anonymous cryptocurrency monero, since its transaction history is completely hidden. This is in contrast to many other cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin.

Witnesses are coming forth

Of the approximately 1,000 tips that the police have received, one of them is from a dad that said that he saw two unknown men who stayed at a bridge at the lake Langvannet near the couple’s residence. According to the dad, he and his daughter often visit the lake to feed the ducks around the bridge.

“I have never seen anyone fish from the bridge before, but it is certainly possible that people do it. It was more the entirety I reacted to. They were remarkably different from others, and they brought with them a large camera with a tripod and a long telephoto lens”, says the dad to VG.

According to the dad, the men were dressed in black and were in the ages between 35 and 45 years. They also had large and robust body figures and talked Eastern European.

“I have never seen anyone fish from the bridge before”

Just a few days before Anne-Elisabeth Falkevik Hagen disappeared, yet another witness claims to have seen three fishermen at the same lake.

“All three looked like ordinary fishermen, they had equipment and bags with them. I didn’t see that they got any fish, but they looked very eager”, says the witness to VG.

In connection with this, the witness also claims to have seen a silver-colored car with license plates from an Eastern European country parked nearby.

Big search effort around the lake

The police cannot rule out that Anne-Elisabeth Falkevik Hagen’s life may have been mapped out before the suspected kidnapping.

A big search effort began on Wednesday around the lake to try to secure new leads.

“We are not looking for Anne-Elisabeth Hagen in Langvannet, but for relevant leads that can be linked to the case”, says Christian Berge at the Norwegian police to VG.

RELATED: After the demand for ransom in monero – police urge family not to pay

RELATED: What is monero (XMR)?

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