Major exchange Binance: Hackers conducted big attack against litecoin holders

Major exchange Binance: Hackers conducted big attack against litecoin holders

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Trijo News

The Binance crypto exchange says holders of litecoin have suffered from a hacker attack.


Binance, one of the world’s largest exchanges for cryptocurrency trading, has concluded that someone tried to conduct a so-called “dusting” attack on users of cryptocurrency litecoin, the platform reveals on Twitter.

A dusting attack works by a hacker sending a relatively small amount of a cryptocurrency to many users.

If the “gift” is accepted, the hacker can analyze transaction patterns to find out who owns the account.

50 people hit

About 50 litecoin holders received money sent to them, but it is uncertain if the hackers managed to get over any important information, Cointelegraph reports.

Unfortunately, this is not the first time hackers attack people trading in cryptocurrencies. Here you can read about when the Japanese crypto exchange Bitpoint suffered a major attack.

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