Major crypto exchange Coinbase is down – for the second time in less than a week

Bitcoin down $2,000 – as Coinbase crashes

Bildkälla: Trijo News

The problem reportedly lies with the companies server provider, Cloudflare.


The American crypto exchange Coinbase is down. The problem seems to lie with the server provider the company uses, Cloudflare, the server company itself reports.

Over twelve million sites may be affected

Cloudflare provides server services for over twelve million websites. Among others affected within the cryptosphere is the news site Cointelegraph.

“Of course, Coinbase can’t really be blamed for problems caused by Cloudflare. But this is the second time in the past seven days they are having problems and if they continue the customers of Coinbase might start to look for alternative platforms to use for buying and selling crypto. It is, however, positive that we’ve not seen the aggressive price declines we saw the last time Coinbase was down”, cryptocurrency expert Totte Löfström tells Trijo News.

Last week, Coinbase had problems too. Then the site was down for over an hour and the price of bitcoin dropped by over $2,000.

Update: The page and other Clouflare pages that we have looked at are now up and running again.

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