Lull markets, lull markets and lull markets

Calm crypto markets

Bildkälla: Trijo News

Low volumes and the markets trade pretty much horizontal.


The last 24 hours was pretty calm for the crypto markets around the world, both regarding prices and volume. A good example of this is bitcoin (-0,06%), which now trades at an almost identical price as it did 24 hours ago. The rest of the top five shows similar patterns.

The only winner on the top five was xrp (+0,27%), while bitcoin cash (-2,81%) and ethereum (-1,64%) lost almost as much as they gained the previous 24 hours.

The price of one bitcoin is now 3 661,41 dollar.

On the top 100 list, the biggest winners was populous (+14,77%) and repo (+13,60%), while hypercash (-14,72%) and buggyre coin zero (-10,80%) was the biggest losers.

Asset: Price: % (24h)*
Bitcoin $3 661,41 -0,06%
Xrp $0,331765 +0,27%
Ethereum $125,14 -1,64%
Bitcoin cash $131,43 -2,81%
Eos $2,41 -0,91%

*All numbers in this article are from

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