Litecoin Foundation to release debit card

Litecoin Foundation to release debit card

Bildkälla: Trijo News

People will be able to use the card at any merchant that accepts regular debit cards.


The Litecoin Foundation, a Singapore-based organization whose purpose is to promote litecoin’s development, is saying that it will release a debit card together with the crypto exchange Bibox Exchange and the blockchain company Ternio.

With the card, which is called Blockcard, users will be able to store and spend litecoin as well as Bibox and Ternio’s own cryptocurrencies. According to a blog post from the Litecoin Foundation, the card will work everywhere where large credit cards such as Visa and Mastercard are accepted as a payment method.

Not clear when the card is being released

Bibox Exchange will be responsible for storing the money that is deposited on the card, and it will also be fully integrated with the official litecoin wallet Loafwallet. When the card will be released is not clear.

The American crypto exchange Coinbase has already released its own debit card, something that we have previously written about.

Many people think that litecoin is one of the cryptocurrencies that will gain most in the near future, you can read about that here.

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