Daily crypto: Litecoin creator recommends buying bitcoin in down market

Daily crypto: Litecoin creator recommends buying bitcoin in down market.

Bildkälla: Trijo News

After the last days upswing, the crypto markets seem to have halted.


Although the bitcoin price has dropped a lot during the year, Charlie Lee, the creator of the cryptocurrency litecoin, thinks that bitcoin is still a good buy.

The fact that the price has gone down a lot has created a good investment opportunity for people who have money they can afford to lose and who believe in the cryptocurrency longterm, he thinks.

“It’s always good to buy on the way down to dollar-cost average your buy-in. As long as you don’t spend money that you can’t afford to lose, I think that’s fine”, he said to CNBC the other day.

Eos goes against the flow

After the last days upswing, the crypto markets seem to have halted. Bitcoin (–0,88%) was traded at $7,100, but the price has now gone down a little.

Among the biggest cryptocurrencies, ethereum (–2,67%), xrp (–2,67%) and bitcoin cash (–2,67%) have gone down the most in value during the last 24 hours. The cryptocurrency that has gone against the flow is eos (+1,20%) which has risen in value.

The cryptocurrencies on top 100 that performed the best were noah coin (+53,02%) and dogecoin (+23,44%), and the ones that performed the worst were (–12,11%) and iota (–9,98%).

Asset: Price: % (24h)*
Bitcoin $7 003,77 –0,88%
Ethereum $285,35 –2,67%
Xrp $0,338615 –2,02%
Bitcoin cash $547,48 –1,58%
Eos $5,98 +1,20%

*All numbers in this article are from Coinmarketcap.com.

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