Letter bomber in the Netherlands demands ransom in bitcoin

Letterbomber in the Netherlands demands ransom in bitcoin

Bildkälla: Trijo News

On Wednesday, two letter bombs exploded in the Netherlands. The person behind the explosions is demanding a ransom in bitcoin to stop the attacks.


Crypto-related crime takes many forms. In the past, Trijo News has been able to report on both large-scale fraud and money laundering.

Now a criminal in the Netherlands seems to have come up with a far more frightening way to use cryptocurrencies, De Telegraaf reports.

Two bombs exploded

Two letter bombs exploded in Amsterdam and the smaller city of Kerkrade on Wednesday. The first at a bank, the second at an electronics company.

Common to both bombs is that they were sent with a note that demands a ransom in bitcoin for the bombings to stop.

No one was injured by either bomb. The police do not know who sent them, but are sure that the same person is behind both attacks.

Threatening letter in January

The Dutch police also suspect that the two bombs are related to threatening letters that were sent to several companies in the country in January.

It is currently unclear how much money in bitcoin the bomber requests, and whether the companies that were affected also belonged to those who received threat letters in January, De Telegraaf reports.

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