John McAfee allegedly arrested – threatens to leak secret documents

Bildkälla: Trijo News

American cryptocurrency and antivirus personality John McAfee allegedly has been arrested by US authorities. Now people in his vicinity are threatening to release secret documents if McAfee is not released.


Crypto personality and presidential candidate John McAfee have disappeared and now people in his vicinity fear he has been arrested by US authorities.

John McAfee has been on the run since 2012 when he was accused of involvement in a murder in Belize. McAfee himself denies the accusations and has previously called them “propaganda from the US government for the purpose of silencing me”.

Will leak secret data

In a series of tweets – written on McAfee’s official twitter account the night of Wednesday (CEST) by presidential campaign manager Rob Benedicto Pacifico Juan Maria Loggia-Ramirez (@Loggiaonfire) – it is claimed that McAfee is prepared for this particular type of situation.

If the 73-year-old crypto personality is arrested, secret data will be leaked. Exactly what this data consist of is still unclear, but McAfee has previously claimed to have information on, among other things, who bitcoin’s mysterious founder Satoshi Nakamoto is.

John McAfee
Image source: Twitter
John McAfee
Image source: Twitter

Trijo News has unsuccessfully tried to reach both John McAfee and his campaign manager Loggia-Ramirez.

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