Here is the trailer for the new big American movie about cryptocurrencies

Here is the trailer for the new big American movie about cryptocurrencies.

Bildkälla: Trijo News

The official movie trailer for the cyber-thriller “Crypto” has now been released.


During the big crypto hype in 2017, bitcoin was on everyone’s lips. Various film projects were also started from this – and now we are beginning to see the results.

Recently, the official trailer for the forthcoming movie “Crypto” was released. The film can be described as a cyber-thriller and in the cast we find Hollywood actors such as Kurt Russell, Luke Hemsworth, Beau Knapp and Alexis Bledel.

More productions in progress

The movie is about a person from Wall Street who discovers a connection between a rural art gallery and the Russian mafia – who is laundering money using cryptocurrencies.

The film is set to premiere in the US on April 12.

More productions about cryptocurrencies are also underway in 2019. Among other things, Entourage star Kevin Connolly has said that he has a new comedy series on the subject that will have a premiere on television later this year, Cryptocoin Spy writes.

See the trailer for “Crypto” here:

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