Facebook’s warning to investors: Libra may never be launched

Facebook's warning to investors: Libra may never be launched

Bildkälla: Trijo News

Facebook warns in its quarterly report that its planned cryptocurrency libra may never be launched.


Facebook has encountered a lot of opposition from politicians and other power holders since it revealed that it will launch its cryptocurrency libra next year.

Among other things, US President Donald Trump and the same country’s Congress have sharply criticized the project.

Now comes a message that could possibly make those who support libra really worried.

Not enough blockchain experience

In its quarterly report, Facebook writes that they may not release libra at all and that it may be greatly delayed if it actually sees the light of day.

As reasons for this, the social media giant is mentioning the resistance of politicians, and that they do not have enough experience working with blockchain technology and digital currencies, CNBC reports.

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