European Central Bank attacks bitcoin: “It’s not a currency”

European Central Bank attacks bitcoin: "It's not a currency"

Bildkälla: Trijo News

The bitcoin community does not seem to agree with the European Central Bank’s statement.


The European Central Bank is not a fan of cryptocurrencies, that has been known for quite some time.

Now the central bank, which is the EU’s monetary body, is attacking bitcoin.

In response to a tweet asking if the European Central Bank will add the cryptocurrency to its reserves, the bank answers no – and it’s a big no.

“Bitcoin is not a currency. It is an asset, and it is very volatile”, the central bank’s official account writes.

The crypto community does not agree

Supporters of the cryptocurrency are not with the central bank on their assessment.

“Bitcoin is money”, writes crypto personality Pierre Rochard in an answer that quickly received hundreds of retweets, Cointelegraph reports.

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