Daily crypto: Xrp rallies after Ripple hints about launching commercial application

Daily crypto: Xrp rallies after Ripple hints about launching commercial application.

Bildkälla: Trijo News

The cryptocurrency that has increased the most among the biggest ones, also on top 100, is xrp.


The crypto markets have gone up in the last 24 hours. The total market cap of all cryptocurrencies has again gone up to around $200 billion.

Also, the biggest cryptocurrencies show green numbers. Ethereum (+6,76%), eos (+5,43%) and bitcoin cash (+4,74%) have increased by several percents.

Xrp rallies

The cryptocurrency that has increased the most among the biggest ones, also on top 100, is xrp (+20,42%). The cryptocurrency rallied on Tuesday after news that Ripple, the company behind xrp, plans to launch its first commercial application for the cryptocurrency within the next few months. The application is called Xrapid.

“I am very confident that in the next one month or so you will see some good news coming in where we launch the product live in production”, Sagar Sarbhai, head of regulatory relations at Ripple, said to CNBC the other day.

The cryptocurrencies on top 100 that performed the best during the last 24 hours were chainlink (+21,18%) and recently mentioned xrp (+20,42%), and the ones that performed the worst were aurora (-20,43%) and funfair (-7,12%).

Asset: Price: % (24h)*
Bitcoin $6 378,03 +1,36%
Ethereum $212,41 +6,76%
Xrp $0,330200 +20,42%
Bitcoin cash $437,08 +4,74%
Eos $5,14 +5,43%

*All numbers in this article are from Coinmarketcap.com.

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