Daily crypto: The markets look bullish again, and investment banks compete in crypto

We are currently in a gold rush, according to a source.

Bildkälla: Trijo News

After a couple of days of red numbers on the crypto markets, it seems like we’re heading towards brighter times again. For the last 24 hours, only three percent of the 100 biggest cryptocurrencies lost value.


According to a source to The ICO Journal, the formerly so skeptical large American investment banks are now quite positive to bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. The source says that we are in the middle of a crypto goldrush, where the investment banks seek to invest in everything from ICOs to already existing cryptocurrencies.

The source is said to work close to the huge American investment bank Morgan Stanley, which has a special working group exploring the territory of crypto. Trijo News published an article about this yesterday.

Regarding prices, the recent days of losses seem to have come to an end. All cryptocurrencies on the top five show green numbers for the last 24 hours, and the biggest winner was eos (+10,63%). But ripple (+5,59%), bitcoin cash (+5,13%), ethereum (+3,90%) and bitcoin (+1,53%) showed some bullish momentum as well.

On the top 100, achain (+22.06%) and reddcoin (+19,92%) performed the best, and only three of the total 100 assets lost value: loopring (-0,04%), tron (-0,38%) and bitcoin private (-8,60%).

Prices the last 24 hours

Asset Price % (24h)
Bitcoin $9 123,45 +1,53%
Ethereum $679,05 +3,90%
Ripple $0,854435 +5,59%
Bitcoin cash $1 353,16 +5,13%
Eos $18,81 +10,63%

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