Daily crypto: Small movements, more regulations and test to trade at Nordnet

This is the most important news in the crypto world right now

Bildkälla: Trijo News

The last 24 hours have been pretty undramatic, but among the bigger news, Google blocks Chrome extensions that mine crypto, and that the Swedish stock exchange Nordnet will demand their users to pass a knowledge test in order to trade crypto certificates.


Regarding prices, the last 24 hours have been undramatic in the world of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. Among the largest coins, Ripple (+5%) and Litecoin (+6%) increased the most. Among the smaller coins, the three biggest winners were Verge (+26%), Ardor (+24%) and Dragonchain (+30%).

In other news, Google has decided to ban all Chrome extensions that are used to mine cryptocurrencies. Chrome is Google’s own web browser, with a market share of 62 percent. Google’s main concern is that the number of mining extensions has grown rapidly and that many of their users don’t really understand what the extensions do or even that they have them installed in their browser.

Furthermore, we have also been able to read that Australia has presented new regulations focusing mainly on crypto exchanges. The regulations mean that crypto exchanges are obligated to register and to show that they are actively counteracting all forms of money laundering and financing of terrorism.

Another big story is that several cryptocurrency based funds have shut down within the last months. The explanation is that the market cap of most large cryptocurrencies has fallen dramatically in the first quarter of 2018.

On the Swedish crypto market, the Swedish online stockbroker Nordnet has decided to introduce a special knowledge-based test that their customers need to pass before being allowed to buy or sell Bitcoin- and Ethereum certificates on their platform. This was something Trijo News could revel (in Swedish) yesterday. The explanation is said to be that cryptocurrencies are so different from other types of assets, that they want to make sure that their customers understand the risks involved.

Daily prices

Coin Price % (24h) 
 Bitcoin  $7 403,81  +0,35%
 Ethereum  $407,42  +2,33%
 Ripple  $0,542  +5,01%
 Bitcoin Cash  $693,66  +0,35%
 Litecoin  $130,17  +5,89%

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