Daily crypto: Prices are in the red and Coinbase opens in Japan

Daily crypto: Prices are in the red and Coinbase opens in Japan.

Bildkälla: Trijo News

Since the beginning of the year, the number of google searches on the word “bitcoin” has decreased by 75 percent. Also, Coinbase now opens an office in Japan. Here are the most important crypto news from the latest 24 hours.


The San Francisco based crypto exchange Coinbase is already established in 32 countries. Now, they open offices in Japan, one of the world’s largest crypto markets.

“As in other markets, we plan to take a deliberate approach to our rollout in Japan, which means working hand-in-hand with the Japanese FSA (government financial agency) to ensure compliance with local laws at every stage”, Coinbase writes on their blog.

Recently, it became known that the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has created a cryptocurrency task force. Now, Valerie Szczepanik has been appointed as their new crypto chief.

“I am excited to take on this new role in support of the SEC’s efforts to address digital assets and innovation as it carries out its mission to facilitate capital formation, promote fair, orderly, and efficient markets, and protect investors, particularly Main Street investors,” Szczepanik said in a statement, according to Coindesk.

Fewer google searches on bitcoin

After a four-month investigation, authorities in Indonesia have come to the conclusion that, from now on, cryptocurrencies are considered a commodity and can be traded legally on a stock exchange, The Jakarta Post reports.

We can also note that the number of google searches on the word “bitcoin” has fallen by 75 percent since the beginning of 2018, according to data from Google Trends.

“Bitcoin needs a new narrative in order to reestablish global attention,” says Nicholas Colas, co-founder of Datatrek Research, to CNBC.

Red numbers

The prices for the biggest cryptocurrencies are in the red. Of the five biggest currencies, bitcoin cash (-5,41%) and eos (-3,11%) lost the most.

The ones that dipped the most on the top 100 during the last 24 hours are veritaseum (-9,54%) and bitcoin private (-9,23%), while the ones who performed the best were huobi token (+18,05%) and skycoin (+10,75%), according to numbers from Coinmarketcap.

Prices the last 24 hours

Asset: Price: % (24h)
Bitcoin $7 439,29 -2,32%
Ethereum $590,77 -2,67%
Ripple $0,658952 -1,17%
Bitcoin cash $1 079,10 -5,41%
Eos $13,14 -3,11%

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