Daily crypto: Mostly green numbers and Mt. Gox moves bitcoins again

Most cryptocurrencies are in the green the last 24 hours.

Bildkälla: Trijo News

93 percent of the 100 biggest cryptocurrencies showed a growth in value the last 24 hours.


A total of 16.000 bitcoins and the same amount of bitcoin cash has been transferred from the bankruptcy of the crypto exchange Mt. Gox. The money has a total value of just above $160 million and was transferred to an unknown wallet yesterday.

The lawyer, Nobuaki Kobayashi, who is responsible for handling the bankruptcy has earlier this year made a handful of similar transactions, in order to sell some of the bitcoins left in cold storage. Every time this has happened, the price of bitcoin has fallen rapidly. Kobayashi has commented this fact on March 16th, saying that the trades have been made over the counter, not on traditional open exchanges, and should therefore not have affected the price. It is still unclear if this is really the case, not least since such large sales could have a psychological effect on the market.

It is also still unclear why the money was moved this time and if further declines are to be expected. Among the crypto community, however, many are worried it might. Trijo News will follow the development closely and report if new information arises.

Binance reports huge earnings

Further on, it has also been reported recently that the crypto exchange Binance has reported a gigantic profit of 200 million dollars for their second quarter running. For perspective, Deutsche Bank made a profit of “only” 146 million dollars for the first quarter of this year.

Regarding the crypto prices, we have seen mostly green numbers for the last 24 hours. This after two days of the market being quite nervous. All the cryptocurrencies on the top five showed green numbers, and only seven of the tokens and coins on the top 100 lost in value the last 24 hours.

Best on the top five was ethereum (+4,51%) and bitcoin (+3,60%), but ripple (+3,25%), bitcoin cash (+2,59%) and eos (+2,32%) showed good growth as well.

On the top 100, siacoin (+54,21%), bitcoin diamond (+43,85%), mithril (+38,05%) and gifto (+33,15%) was the ones that soared the most, and the biggest losers was steem (-0,92%), ontology (-0,89%) and monero (-0,82%).

Prices the last 24 hours

Asset Price % (24h)
Bitcoin $9 216,83 +3,60%
Ethereum $656,32 +4,51%
Ripple $0,839221 +3,15%
Bitcoin cash $1 391,00 +2,59%
Eos $15,26 +2,32%

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