Daily crypto: Markets decline and Coinbase lists new cryptocurrency

Daily crypto: Markets decline and Coinbase lists new cryptocurrency.

Bildkälla: Trijo News

Coinbase has added 0x on its platform. The cryptocurrency rallies 30 percent after the listing.


The crypto markets have declined in the last 24 hours. At the time of writing, 66 of the 100 biggest cryptocurrencies show red numbers.

The total crypto market is valued at $212 billion. The past day has been relatively quiet for the crypto market, with a valuation that has ranged between $210 billion and $213 billion.

The American crypto exchange Coinbase took what looks like an unexpected decision to list the cryptocurrency 0x on their trading platform.

0x, which is currently the 22nd biggest cryptocurrency according to Coinmarketcap, writes that they want to make it possible for anyone to start a decentralized exchange. After the listing, the currency surged almost 30 percent during high trading volume.

Mostly red numbers

When looking at the biggest cryptocurrencies, we see mostly red numbers. Bitcoin cash (-1,93%) lost the most, but also bitcoin (-1,09%), ethereum (-0,51%) and eos (0,91%) have lost in value over the last 24 hours. On the green side, we find xrp (+3,38%).

Bitcoin has had a calm day and is currently trading around $6,570.

The cryptocurrencies on top 100 that performed the best during the last 24 hours were 0x (+26,39%) and horizen (+12,24%), and the ones that performed the worst were eternal token (-18,35%) and electroneum (-9,84%).

Asset: Price: % (24h)*
Bitcoin $6 568,18 -1,09%
Ethereum $209,67 -0,51%
Xrp $0,472889 +3,38%
Bitcoin cash $455,10 -1,93%
Eos $5,42 0,91%

*All numbers in this article are from Coinmarketcap.com.

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