Daily crypto: Markets are rising – ethereum up 30 percent in two days

Daily crypto: Markets are rising – ethereum up 30 percent in two days.

Bildkälla: Trijo News

Also, the total market cap for all cryptocurrencies has recovered to over $200 billion.


It has been a tough year for cryptocurrencies. In fact, the 2018 plunge is now worse than the dot-com crash in the early 2000s, according to Bloomberg.

According to data from the site Trustnodes, different ICO projects have sold three times as many ether in the last ten days as they did in August. It amounts to a total of 160,000 ether, which is the equivalent of approximately $33 million, Cointelegraph reports.

In recent days, however, the markets have recovered somewhat. Not least ethereum (+9,08%) has increased by over 30 percent since Wednesday. But also the other major cryptocurrencies, such as eos (+4,39%), bitcoin cash (+2,63%), xrp (+2,23%) och bitcoin (+0,79%), show green numbers.

Also, the total market cap for all cryptocurrencies has recovered to over $200 billion, according to Coinmarketcap.

The total market cap for all cryptocurrencies during the last 24 hours.
The total market cap for all cryptocurrencies during the last 24 hours. Image source: Coinmarketcap
Asset: Price: % (24h)*
Bitcoin $6 484,64 +0,79%
Ethereum $207,14 +9,08%
Xrp $0,277079 +2,23%
Bitcoin cash $449,38 +2,63%
Eos $5,21 +4,39%

*All numbers in this article are from Coinmarketcap.com.

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