Daily crypto: Facebook block links to crypto site, ripple and bitcoin cash are bullish

It seems like we are looking at an upcoming bull market in the world of crypto. Bitcoin cash and ripple are performing excellent right now

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The cryptocurrency markets are showing bullish signs – bitcoin cash and ripple are growing most.


There is not much news to report from the last 24 hours, but among the more interesting ones, it has been reported that the South Korean crypto exchange Bithumb are planning on releasing their own token through a so-called ICO. It is still unclear how the token is going to work, but according to the local news site TokenPost, the Bithumb token is created mainly for large-scale investors.

The bitcoin trial in Norway

Further on, we have also received more information about the Norwegian bitcoin trial that started yesterday. The man behind one of the largest bitcoin exchanges in Norway, Sturle Sunde from Bitmynt AS, are suing Nordea Bank for shutting his private bank account down, and also denying him to open a business account. Nordea Bank has explained the decision by pointing to security risks surrounding bitcoin transactions. The trial will continue today. Yesterday, Trijo News published an article (in Swedish) going over the details of the trial.

Is Facebook blocking crypto sites?

Last but not least, it seems like Facebook has decided to block links to the cryptomarket information site marketcoinprice.com. It is still unclear if this is a deliberate block from Facebook, or if it is just some kind of error in their system. It is still possible to post links to the site as private posts, comments and in Messanger, but when trying to post on a Facebook page you get the message embedded below. Trijo News have been testing about ten different links to other crypto sites, without encountering the same problem.

Links to the crypto site Marketcoinprice are being blocked by Facebook.
Links to the crypto site Marketcoinprice are being blocked by Facebook. Image source: Facebook

An overall bullish market

It has been a really strong last 24 hours in the world of cryptocurrencies. Ripple (+15,82%) and bitcoin cash (+9,42%) performed best of all on the top five, and bitcoin cash is once again closing in on the psychologically important 1.000 dollar line. Right now, the cryptocurrency is traded at 967 dollars.

Ethereum (+6,41%) and litecoin (+3,43%) performed well as well, while bitcoin (+1,27%) showed quite modest growth.

On the top 100 bitcoin diamond (+40,41%) had a really strong day. Second best was rchain (+16,64%) and the bronze medal was taken by kin (16,30%).

The biggest losers on the top 100 was smartcash (-13,06%) and monaco (-11,12%).

Prices the last 24 hours

Coin Price % (24h)
Bitcoin $8 288,47 +1,27%
Ethereum $566,28 +6,41%
Ripple $0,840348 +15,82%
Bitcoin Cash $967,47 +9,42%
Litecoin $145,26 +3,43%

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