Daily crypto: “Bitcoin is where internet was in the 1980’s” and Norwegian are suing Nordea Bank

Daily crypto: Bitcoin and ethereum prices

Bildkälla: Trijo News

New week, new opportunities! But the last 24 hours have been pretty undramatic regarding the crypto prices.


Last week was a really strong crypto week regarding prices: almost all cryptocurrencies and tokens gained value, which has given new hope after four and a half months of bear markets.

But the last 24 hours have been pretty undramatic and the markets have mostly been moving sideways. Bitcoin (+0,10%) saw a slight rush to about $8400 yesterday but dropped back to around $8000 just 15 hours later. The same happened to ethereum (+0,13%), while ripple (+2,68%) och and bitcoin cash (+2,15%) was the winners on the top five list.

Litecoin (+0,31%), after being pushed down from the top five last week, has made a comeback with a market cap of just over $700 million more than eos (-0,52%) which is at sixth place.

The biggest winner on the top 100 was singularitynet (+37,53%) and the biggest loser was skycoin (-10,77%). Worth noticing is that binance coin (-6,25%) dropped second most on the top 100. We are yet to see an explanation for this, but until then it is probably a smart thing for Binance users to keep an extra eye on the price.

The most interesting news yesterday was that the Norwegian bitcoin exchange Bitmynt AS has decided to sue Nordea Bank after having their corporate account shut down in late 2017. Bitmynt AS are claiming that they follow all regulations possible, but Nordea Bank is referring to the fact that the Norwegian secret police, Kripos, have revealed that Bitmynt AS are being used by criminals to receive payments for illegal drugs. The trial will be held this week.

Lastly, Brian Kelly from the CNBC’s Fast Money has said that cryptocurrencies are at the same level of development today as the internet was in the 1980’s. If Kelly is right, we might have to wait quite a while before we see any mass adoption of crypto.

Prices the last 24 hours

Coin Price % (24h)
Bitcoin $8 050,55 +0,10%
Ethereum $507,79 +0,13%
Ripple $0,654566 +2,68%
Bitcoin Cash $759,62 +2,15%
Litecoin $126,68 +0,31%

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