Daily crypto: Bitcoin continues up and many ICOs do not survive

Daily crypto: Bitcoin continues up and many ICOs do not survive.

Bildkälla: Trijo News

The prices of all major cryptocurrencies have gone up. However, some of them have soared more than others.


A recent study by the Boston College Carroll School of Management in the United States has investigated more than 4,000 ICOs, that raised a total of over $12 billion between January 2017 and March 2018.

The study shows, among other things, that newly started crypto companies that have done an ICO have a survival rate of just 44 percent, CCN writes.

Bitcoin continues up

Looking at the crypto markets, we see that bitcoin (+4,32%) still seems to be strong. The world’s largest cryptocurrency has soared by several percents just over the last 24 hours and is currently traded around $7,700.

At the same time, the total market value of all cryptocurrencies has risen to $290 billion.

Looking at the other major cryptocurrencies, bitcoin cash (+4,86%), eos (+2,79%) and xrp (+1,35%) have also gone up. Meanwhile, ethereum (+0,77%) did not gain as much and only increased below one percent in value in the past 24 hours.

The cryptocurrencies that performed the best on top 100 were holo (+34,75%) and bitcoin diamond (+30,45%), and the ones who performed the worst were ardor (-7,26%) and power ledger (-3,95%), according to Coinmarketcap.

Asset: Price: % (24h)
Bitcoin $7 736,61 +4,32%
Ethereum $467,03 +0,77%
Xrp $0,458229 +1,35%
Bitcoin cash $825,45 +4,86%
Eos $8,29 +2,79%

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