Cryptocurrency Verge partner up with porn site – price dips after the announcement

Verge partner with porn site.

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With Verge, you can use a decentralized way to make fast, efficient and direct transactions – completely anonymous. Now it will be used as a means of payment in the porn industry.


It was on Tuesday that one of the world’s biggest porn sites Pornhub announced that they will now accept the cryptocurrency Verge as a means of payment. Verge will be used to buy various premium packages and on-demand services on the platform.

“Not only is this an exciting announcement for us and the adult entertainment industry, it’s exciting for the crypto space. History has proven that the adult entertainment industry plays a critical role in adoption for innovative technology. We saw that with VHS, Beta Max, credit card payment icons and, most recently, VR goggles. We expect to see widespread adoption of crypto and blockchain in short order”, said Corey Price, vice president at Pornhub, according to Coindesk.

“Next level”

Since a while back, it has been rumored that Verge would start collaborating with someone. The news that a new mysterious partner would be announced soon got the price of the cryptocurrency to rocket away recently.

In a message on Medium, the team behind Verge wrote about how they want to take their “small project” to “the next level”.

“About a month and a half ago we were approached by our new partners with the prospects of them adopting us to their business. Without hesitation, we jumped on this opportunity with the understanding that it is destined to be one of the biggest adoptions of cryptocurrency in the entire industry”, the team behind Verge wrote.

To make this happen, they had to raise money through a crowdfunding. And today the announcement came: Verge starts a business partnership with the company Mindgeek, which own Pornhub and the sister site Brazzers, among others.

Verge, which is listed as den 21st biggest cryptocurrency on Coinmarketcap, dipped heavily after the news was released on Tuesday. The cryptocurrency then recovered somewhat.

“Pornhub is a global organization with nearly a hundred million daily users. This partnership represents an enormous market with a global reach that will compete with fiat currencies. It’s huge for Verge and we’re extremely excited to finally be able to announce it”, said Verge founder Justin Sunerok, according to Forbes.

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