Crypto personality: Warren Buffet’s right, bitcoin is rat poison and he is the rat

Crypto personality: Warren Buffet's right, bitcoin is rat poison and he is the rat

Bildkälla: Trijo News

Trijo News

Crypto personality Max Keiser disses Warren Buffet and continues to pay tribute to bitcoin.


Investment guru and multi-billionaire Warren Buffet has made himself known to be very critical of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

His perhaps best-known statement about bitcoin “the oracle from Omaha” made when he compared cryptocurrency to rat poison.

Max Keiser “agrees”

Now he gets “support” from one of the crypto world’s big personalities.

Investor and tv-host Max Keiser was a guest of the Kitco News program and made a statement about Warren Buffet, who may be said to be of the more aggressive kind. At the same time, he took the opportunity to predict a bright future for bitcoin.

“Bitcoin is going to outperform stocks, bonds, gold, it’s going to outperform everything. It’s going to outperform Warren Buffet. You know Warren Buffet famously compared Bitcoin to rat poison? You know what? Warren is the rat!”, he said.

Earlier, Max Keiser has also made very negative statements about bitcoin’s competitors. You can read about that here.

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