Crypto personality attacks Facebook: They should’ve gone for bitcoin instead of libra

Crypto personality attacks Facebook: They should've gone for bitcoin instead of libra

Bildkälla: Trijo News

Samson Mow, chief strategist at the crypto company Blockstream, is not a fan of Facebook’s upcoming cryptocurrency libra.


Facebook’s upcoming cryptocurrency libra has come across a whole lot of resistance from politicians recently.

Among other things, a document showing that the US Congress may be about to ban libra before the cryptocurrency is released has leaked.

Now the project is also criticized from the cryptosphere. Samson Mow, chief strategist at crypto company Blockstream, in a number of tweets says that the fact that libra is based on open source poses problems.

Makes it impossible to keep the promise made to politicians

Samson Mow believes that this makes it impossible for Facebook to fulfill its promises to the US Congress that libra will be possible to regulate.

The rant ends with a dig aimed at Facebook.

“They should’ve used bitcoin instead“, Samson Mow writes according to Cointelegraph.

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