China might turn positive towards bitcoin – following the release of infographic

China might turn positive towards bitcoin – following the release of information film

Bildkälla: Trijo News

If China were to become more positively attuned to bitcoin, it would be a big step forward for the cryptocurrency.


Bitcoin and China have not always had the best of relationships. This includes the trading of the cryptocurrency being banned in the country since 2017.

Now it looks like the bad relationship between the cryptocurrency and the giant country may be about to turn around.

An infographic from a big bank

This is after the state-owned Bank of China, which is the world’s fourth-biggest bank, released an infographic on bitcoin.

According to the crypto personality Samson Mow, who has worked extensively in China, the content of the film was positive towards bitcoin.

If China, which has 1.4 billion inhabitants, would be more positive toward bitcoin, it would be a big step forward for the cryptocurrency, Forbes writes.

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