Bookseller tweeted negatively about her bank – they closed all her accounts

Bookseller tweeted negatively about her bank – they closed all her accounts

Bildkälla: Trijo News

Bookseller Julie Goislard tweeted about her bank – they made her regret it.


The fact that banks have problems with cryptocurrencies is something Trijo News has written about several times before. Among other things, a Norwegian bitcoin broker sued his bank after being denied a corporate account.

Another thing banks, at least French major bank Société Générale, seem to have problems with is criticism, Le Parisien reports.

This is clear from the case of Julie Goislard, a bookseller in the town of Hauts-de-Seine, France.

Card terminal problem

After complaining on Twitter over the past year about problems with the card terminal in her bookstore and getting no response, the bank finally responded, but not in the way Julie Goislard expected.

Société Générale chose to close down Julie Goislard’s corporate account. The bank first stated that the bookseller would have overdrawn her account. But when she was able to show during a meeting that this was not the case, the bank allegedly straight out acknowledged that it was about the tweet.

Also closed down personal accounts

It didn’t end there. Société Générale continued by closing down Julie Goislard’s personal account, her partner’s account and even her minor daughters’ accounts.

Société Générale says that they have the right to close whatever accounts they want without having to justify it, Le Parisien writes.

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