Bitcoin SV rallies 51 percent in just a few hours

Bitcoin SV rallies 51 percent in just a few hours.

Bildkälla: Trijo News

The price of bitcoin SV, which is short for bitcoin Satoshi’s vision, soared sharply during Wednesday.


The cryptocurrency bitcoin Satoshi’s vision, or bitcoin SV as it is usually abbreviated, soared sharply during Wednesday. In just over five hours, the price went up from $120 to $182, according to numbers from Coinmarketcap.

This is an increase of over 51 percent. Bitcoin SV is thus the cryptocurrency on top 100 that has soared the most in the last 24 hours.

Has soared in May

Bitcoin SV, which is a so-called “fork” of bitcoin cash as well as the world’s ninth-biggest cryptocurrency by market cap, has gained value earlier in May. For example, on May 21, the cryptocurrency rose 200 percent in less than three hours, according to AMB Crypto.

What Wednesday’s upswing is due to is hard to say for sure, but the bitcoin SV’s scaling test net has recently been testing a higher block size of more than one gigabyte. This new scaling may be implemented on the mainnet, AMB Crypto writes.

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