Bitcoin rallies past $9,000 – but is heavily volatile

Bitcoin rallies past $9,000 – but is heavily volatile.

Bildkälla: Trijo News

On Thursday, the bitcoin price made another jump – but then fell back again quickly.


The bitcoin price has for a period been trading a bit under $9,000 and has not really wanted to break that level. But on Thursday came a new big jump and pushed up the price quickly from about $8,750 to a maximum of $9,096, according to numbers from Bitstamp.

That’s an increase of almost four percent. $9,096 is also the highest price so far in 2019.

However, after the price reached that peak, it dropped quickly – down to $8,600. The cryptocurrency is very volatile right now, to say the least.

At the time of writing, one bitcoin is trading around $8,700.

Bitcoin accounts for 55.7 percent

During the last hour, bitcoin’s total market cap has risen from $154 billion to $159 billion – an increase of $5 billion. But that also fell back sharply.

Bitcoin currently represents 55.7 percent of the total market cap of all cryptocurrencies, according to Coinmarketcap.

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