Bitcoin price rallies towards $13,000 – has increased 13 percent in the last 24 hours

Bitcoin price rallies towards $13,000 – has increased 13 percent in the last 24 hours.

Bildkälla: Trijo News

Bitcoin’s total market cap has also increased sharply in the last 24 hours – from $203 billion to $227 billion.


Bitcoin has had a strong last 24 hours. From having been traded around $11,400 yesterday morning (CEST), the price has soared considerably over the last 24 hours.

Early on Tuesday morning, the bitcoin price peaked at $12,883, according to numbers from Bitstamp.

This is an increase of 13 percent.

“Bitcoin clearly shows strength now, and if it keeps this up, we could probably see new record highs in a not too distant future. However, it is a good idea to be a little extra cautious now when the price is so volatile”, says crypto expert Totte Löfström to Trijo News.

Market cap is up $24 billion

Since the peak, however, the price has dropped slightly and a bitcoin is currently trading at around $12,645.

Bitcoin’s total market cap has also soared from $203 billion to $227 billion – an increase of $24 billion.

Bitcoin currently represents 64 percent of the total market cap of all cryptocurrencies, according to Coinmarketcap, Coinmarketcap.

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