Bitcoin price hits new high for 2019 – is approaching $10,000

Bitcoin price hits new high for 2019 – is approaching $10,000.

Bildkälla: Trijo News

During the last 24 hours, bitcoin’s total market cap has soared from $164 billion to $173 billion – an increase of $9 billion.


During Thursday evening and the night before Friday (CEST), the bitcoin price made a jump. From a level of around $9,288, the price soared sharply in just a few hours – and topped out at $9,800, according to numbers from Bitstamp.

This is an increase of over five and a half percent and the highest price so far in 2019. Now the bitcoin price is approaching the much talked about level of $10,000.

“Ten thousand dollars is an important level, especially psychologically. When bitcoin reaches $10,000, this will be reported by media outlets worldwide, which may push up the price even more. But there is still a risk that the price will turn downwards again before we reach all the way to ten thousand – it remains to be seen”, says crypto expert Totte Löfström to Trijo News.

“When bitcoin reaches $10,000, this will be reported by media outlets worldwide”

Since the new high of $9,800, the bitcoin price has dropped slightly, yet remained at a fairly stable level. At the time of writing, one bitcoin is traded at around $9,740.

During the last 24 hours, bitcoin’s total market cap has soared from $164 billion to $173 billion – an increase of $9 billion.

Bitcoin currently represents 57.7 percent of the total market cap of all cryptocurrencies, according to Coinmarketcap.

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