Bitcoin price drops bellow $10,000 as the cryptocurrency loses 6,5 percent in 24 hours

Bitcoin price drops bellow $10 000 as the cryptocurrency lose 6,5 of its value in 24 hours

Bildkälla: Trijo News

This may be the start of a major price correction.


After reaching high peaks last week, it seems that the bitcoin price is on its way down.

Bitcoin has lost its grip on the important $10,000 level and is just over $9,800 at the time of writing, numbers from Bitstamp shows.

The cryptocurrency has lost 6.5 percent of its value in the last 24 hours, Cointelegraph reports.

Major price correction

Yesterday, several crypto analysts predicted that a major price correction would be underway. One of them even thinks that bitcoin’s price can go down to $6,600.

The decline may prove to be a good opportunity to invest. Trijo News has previously written that bitcoin has been a good investment 98.2 percent of the days since it was founded.

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