Bitcoin dropped $2,000 – as major exchange Coinbase crashed

Bitcoin down $2,000 – as Coinbase crashes

Bildkälla: Trijo News

American Coinbase, one of the world’s largest crypto exchanges, was down for over an hour – while bitcoin fell like a rock.


Bitcoin’s price has been going up during the week, and yesterday the cryptocurrency passed $13,000.

Many had already speculated beforehand that a correction would reduce the price, at least temporarily. During the night, it seems to have arrived – at the same time as American crypto exchange Coinbase was down for over one hour.

Down over $2,000

Bitcoin plunged from its top near $13,880 to $11,794. At the time of writing, the cryptocurrency has recovered somewhat and is trading for about $12,600, according to numbers from Bitstamp.

Just a few minutes before the fall began, the big American crypto exchange Coinbase crashed. The site was up again after about one hour. It’s hard to say if the crash had a negative effect on bitcoin’s price, Cointelegraph reports

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