Bitcoin close to $10,000 – altcoins make big gains

Bitcoin close to $10,000 – altcoins make big gains

Bildkälla: Trijo News

The price of bitcoin and the rest of the world’s cryptocurrencies seems to be recovering after a tough start to the week.


Bitcoin has had a tough start to the week. The price of the world’s biggest cryptocurrency has slipped below $10,000 and even reached its lowest point since June.

Now, however, the trend seems to turn upwards. The price of bitcoin is currently $9,900, an increase of over three percent since yesterday, numbers from Coinmarketcap shows.

Altcoins are increasing

However, it is nothing compared to some of bitcoin’s competitors. The so-called altcoins have made big increases since yesterday.

Ethereum, the world’s second-biggest cryptocurrency, has increased by over eight percent and is trading at $214. Ripples xrp has also gone upwards strongly and is increasing by about nine percent compared to Wednesday, Cointelegraph reports.

However, the biggest winner is litecoin. The cryptocurrency, which was recently made an official partner of an NFL team, has increased by 16 percent and is currently trading at just over $92, numbers from Coinmarketcap shows.

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